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Download LONEWOLF (17+) apk Game

This game was developed by FDG Entertainment, and supports Android 4.0 upwards. The game features a very exciting storyline, with every mission bringing a new twist to the plot. The game features over 30 interactive missions, and an awesome story mode. The cut scenes are presented in the form of hand drawn cartoon, which we find quite aesthetically pleasing.

The player role in LONEWOLF is that of an assassin working for an underground faceless network. Over the course of missions you will unlock and use a wide variety of weapons including Sniper Rifles, Assault rifles, Pistols, Bombs and even your bare hands.

The game appropriately rated not suitable for children (18+) on the Google Play store, for its extreme violence and moral conflicts. Thus, we would not advise you download if you are a minor.

One feature we enjoyed a lot was the very realistic sound effects. We recommend this game if you are interested in hardcore actions games, and shooter games, that will keep you interested and suspense-filled. This game brings you as close to the action as it gets in the virtual world.


Requires Android 4.0 upwards
Version number: 1.0.02
Play mode: offline
PlayStore rating: 4.7 of 5

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