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Solution to "Application Not Installed" On Android Devices

Imagine when you see an application that you love to install on your phone and after downloading you receive app not installed just tell me how you will feel though this article is about how to fix Application not Installed’ error on Androids and if that's what you want keep reading till the end.

This kind of problem always occurs with some apk files that you might have downloaded from the wild and No what you do to install the app you will still get the same app not installed error but the question is to find out the cause of the app not intalled error and fix it and that is what we are going to do, checking out some few things that might cause this error and the possible ways to fix it.

Reason why you see App not installed:
In this case there might be a cause for alarm that made your Android phone not to complete the installation of the application which we are going to take a look at.

1. Insufficient storage space on your device: you might have filled your storage space with other things that gives no room for the app to complete its installation.

2. Your downloaded app is corrupt: Another reason why you see app not installed might be because the app is corrupt or half way downloaded.

3. Ruined capacity (Phone and SD card): This is presumably the most widely recognized reason for this mistake. On the off chance that the capacity of your gadget is ruined, any application establishment will be unthinkable.

4. Undermined application or apk record (Installation on a mounted SD card: This is most normal with applications downloaded from outside Google Play Store. The application is either tainted or not entirely downloaded or replicated as the case possibly.

5. Wrong application introduce area (Incorrect app install location): Some applications are intended to be just introduced on telephone memory while some others can be introduced on both telephone memory and SD card. Attempting do generally with the previous can raise this blunders.

6. Apk signature/testament conflict: Installing another rendition of an application (with an alternate marked endorsement) on the same gadget will presumably bring about this blunder. Introducing an unsigned application could likewise bring about this mistake. 

Application authorization blunders or transitory OS glitches could likewise achieve this mistake.

Solution to the Android App not installed problem
Below is the possible solution to app not installed android problem make sure you follow the steps to fix it now.

=> Try to Reboot your phone: In a times like this the best thing to do is to reboot your device. Or just shut down, remove and reinsert your battery.

=>You need to get read of other apps that you don't like or make use of just to make sure you have enough space to install the new app because if the available space is filled up you won't be able to install any heavy sized apps. 

=> Recheck check the apk files you downloaded to be sure that the app is completely downloaded or copied 
=> Try to check and reset app permissions on your phone which can be done by going to Settings >Apps>All>Menu key >Reset application permissions or Reset app preferences.

=> Consider Changing app installation location to Automatic or allow the system to decide.
=> Be sure that the SD card is not connected or being used by another device such as your laptop or other gadgets.
=> Remove, change your SD card or format it because i have seen where a mobile phone performs abnormal just because of the damaged SD card so try experimenting in many things to find a solution to your problem.

=> Last but not the least is to totally wipe your device if you have a PC to backup you content then keep the phone clean Either by doing a factory reset under Settings or by doing a full wipe in recovery mode.

I hope you have found solution to your problems but is you still nee more help kind comment below to allows us help you more on how to solve the problem of App not installed on your android phone.

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